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Meet the Staff


Headteacher - Mrs N Gorry 


SENDCo, DSL and LAC and PLAC lead 


Assistant Head - Mrs E Stead 

Deputy DSL

Class Name  Year Groups  Teacher  TA's
The Reef Nursery 

Miss Cornes


Hayley, Caroline 


Turtles Reception

Miss Bowen


Mrs Pearson


Dolphins Year 1 and 2

Mrs Stead and Miss Cornes


Miss Jones 

Sharks Year 3 and 4

Mr Foreman 

Mrs Blatchford


Orcas Year 5 and 6 

Mrs Millward and Miss Lewis


Mrs Waters and Mrs Webster








Office Staff 

Mrs Hughes - School Business Manager 

Mrs Taylor - Administration Assistant

Mrs Hubbard - Administration Assistant

Lunchtime Ancillaries

Mr Pearson
Mrs Webster
Mrs Waters
Miss Jones