School uniform is recommended and is worn by all children.
It consists of:
- A royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo on it. These are available from Club Sport Ludlow
- White polo shirtshirt
- Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore.
- Blue gingham dresses may be worn in the summer.
- White or grey socks or tights
- Black School Shoes - no trainers (including black leather trainers), no canvas pumps, no boots (if boots need to be worn to and from school in bad weather pupils should bring their school shoes to change into at school)
- Children with hair that is longer than shoulder-length should have it tied up.
P.E Uniform
P.E. Ready days over the last 2 years have allowed for far more productive PE sessions, with no lost learning time whilst children get changed. It has also helped to limit any issues regarding spaces for changing and reduced the number of lost property items and enabled parents to ensure kit is clean.
As children wear PE kit to school on their PE days please ensure that it is in line with the list below.
P.E. Kit
- A Plain white T-shirt
- Navy shorts, skort, tracksuit bottoms or leggings
- Trainers must be predominantly black, grey or white.
- P.E. Hoody available from Club Sport
* PE kit must be plain and non-branded.